Wednesday, April 18, 2007

5 Things I Will Miss About Prague

5) Orange Fanta: But Allison you say, isn't there Orange Fanta in America? Yes, but it's a different kind of orange. The American Fanta is more like a traditional orange drink, which doesn't taste much like orange. The orange Fanta over here tastes more like and actual orange. And there aren't the stupid "Wanta Fanta" commercials here.

4) The Daily Routine: By which I mean the routes I take and what I see when I'm traveling to studio. There's the pastry shop near the hostel where I've had to get breakfast a couple of times, the workers repairing the sidewalks, the super-fast communist escalators, the National Museum at the top of Wenceslas square, and the open air market that is half a block away from studio.

3) The Prague Castle: Mainly because how often do you get to say you live in the city that has the largest castle complex in the whole of Europe?

2) Spring: As has been said about NC weather, we have four seasons: Summer, still summer, winter, and almost summer. We get about a week of Spring if we are lucky. However, it is actually Spring here. The weather the past couple of days has been beautiful - warm, sunny, and most everything is blooming. Yesterday Julie and I went to Petrin Hill to take dusk pictures. The weather was cool, the cherry trees and lilac shrubs were in full bloom, and somewhere in the park someone was playing light jazz on a saxophone. It was very relaxing - quite a nice bookend to the day.

1) Public Transportation: Why number one you may ask? Because I can get from the hostel to studio in the mornings in 30 minutes. Because I can go to a movie on a Friday night and know that there is a tram that will arrive at 12:27 am that will drop me off a block away from home. Because of all the people you get to see. Because I can go to the outskirts of Prague on a metro line or a bus, and because I haven't had to buy gas for 3 months. I will certainly miss it.

There are probably others, but I can't think of them at the moment. I just know that I am glad I came to study here.

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